Working Together for Just, Healthy and Strong Communities
It is the mission of the Community Housing and Empowerment Connections Inc. (CHEC) to build just, healthy, and strong communities through advocacy, education, and community partnerships.

Community Housing and Empowerment Connections Inc. is a community-based non-profit organization focusing on environmental and social justice through community engagement, education and partnerships. We have a trained staff of volunteers who live in the communities that we serve. CHEC has implemented several nationally recognized evidenced-based programs that address substance abuse and youth violence. CHEC led the development of the Wilmington Prevention Coalition, New Castle Prevention Coalition, Delaware Concerned Residents for Environmental Justice, the Delaware Environmental Justice Community Partnership, community partner on the Environmental Justice for Delaware: Mitigating Toxic Pollution in New Castle County Communities study; Co- Principle Investigator for the ACCEL sponsored Impacts of Health of Toxic Pollution Retreat and currently leading the development of a Community Air Monitoring Network 4 Delaware, Online Justice-Oriented Mapping Tools and Resource Guide.
CHEC was established in 2001. It is an outgrowth of the New Castle County Community Partnership Inc a leader in substance abuse prevention in 1990. CHEC and its partners saw our community slowly decline, due to substance abuse, youth violence, social and environmental injustices. A decision was made to do something about it by joining forces with local, county, state, and federal agencies, as well as other community and faith-based agencies to provide the necessary guidance and resources for change. Since its inception, CHEC has operated with local funding, committed volunteers and in-kind resources.
Our Partners

(CHEC) and its current partners: Sussex Health and Environmental Outreach Project, Minority Workforce Development Coalition, State NAACP Health Committee, Sierra Club- DE Chapter; Clean Air Council, Socially Responsible Agricultural Project, Delaware Concerned Residents for EJ will collaborate in the development of the DEJCP and Coordinating Council to provide a One Stop Shop to coordinate social, climate, energy and environmental justice resources, trainings, and associated programs more equitably in Delaware. Other local, regional and national agencies/groups serving as Allies of the partnership are: Christiana Care Health Services, ACCEL, BEA Fund, Union of Concerned Scientists, National Black Environmental Justice Network, DreamCorp/Green for All, Delaware State University and University of Maryland/CEEJH and many others as appropriate.

national collaborations